Yesterday i was doing the question from class 9th ncert book of math of Polynomials chapter of exercise 2.5. What ...Read more
Discy Latest Questions
In this Question you have to find the next term of the given AP. This is the Important question based ...Read more
Find this important question of ncert class 9th of chapter linear equations in two variables .Sir please help me to ...Read more
This is one of the important question from the cbse board exam because this question was asked in 2011 cbse ...Read more
What is the best way for solving the question from class 9th ncert math of Quadrilaterals chapter of Ncert of ...Read more
This is the Important question based on Linear Equations in two Variables Chapter of R.S Aggarwal book for ICSE ...Read more
This is very important question of ncert class 9th of chapter triangles. How I solve the best solution of exercise ...Read more