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Question 47. In an A.P. the sum of first n terms is 13n²/2 +. 13n/2 Find its 25th term.

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This is the basic and conceptual question from Chapter name- Arithmetic Progression
Chapter number- 9
Exercise 9.6

In this question we have been given that In an A.P. the sum of first n terms is 13n²/2 +. 13n/2

Now we have to Find its 25th term

CBSE DHANPAT RAI publications
Class:- 10th
Solutions of CBSE Mathematics
Question 47


1 Answer

  1. Given Sn = 3n2/2 + 13n/2,


    On putting n = 1, we get the first term(a), S1 = a = 3(1)2/2 + 13(1)/2 = (3 + 13) / 2 = 8


    On putting n = 2 gives S2 = a + a + d = 3(2)2/2+ 13(2)/2 = 19


    => d = 19 – 2a


    => d = 19 – 16 = 3


    The 25th term of the A.P., a25 = a + (25 – 1)d


    = 8 + (24)3


    = 6 + 72


    = 80


    Hence, the 25th term of the given A.P. is 80.

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