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Prove that the following are irrationals: (i) 1/√2 (ii) 7√5 (iii) 6 + √2 Q.3

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The important question of class 10th is irrational number. Is any another way for solving this question. Please suggest me best way for solving this question. Prove that the following are irrationals: (i) 1/√2 (ii) 7√5 (iii) 6 + √2


1 Answer

  1. (i) 1/2

    Let us assume 1/√2 is rational.

    Then we can find co-prime x and y (y ≠ 0) such that 1/√2 = x/y

    Rearranging, we get,

    √2 = y/x

    Since, x and y are integers, thus, √2 is a rational number, which contradicts the fact that √2 is irrational.

    Hence, we can conclude that 1/√2 is irrational.

    (ii) 75

    Let us assume 7√5 is a rational number.

    Then we can find co-prime a and b (b ≠ 0) such that 7√5 = x/y

    Rearranging, we get,

    √5 = x/7y

    Since, x and y are integers, thus, √5 is a rational number, which contradicts the fact that √5 is irrational.

    Hence, we can conclude that 7√5 is irrational.

    (iii) 6 +2

    Let us assume 6 +√2 is a rational number.

    Then we can find co-primes x and y (y ≠ 0) such that 6 +√2 = x/y⋅

    Rearranging, we get,

    √2 = (x/y) – 6

    Since, x and y are integers, thus (x/y) – 6 is a rational number and therefore, √2 is rational. This contradicts the fact that √2 is an irrational number.

    Hence, we can conclude that 6 +√2 is irrational.

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