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Draw a right triangle in which the sides (other than hypotenuse) are of lengths 4 cm and 3 cm. Then construct another triangle whose sides are 5/3 times the corresponding sides of the given triangle. Q.7

Sir give me the best and simple way to solve the problem of question from class 10th ncert of constructions chapter of exercise 11.1 of question no.7, how i solve this problem Draw a right triangle in which the sides ...

Let ABC be a right triangle in which AB = 6 cm, BC = 8 cm and ∠ B = 90°. BD is the perpendicular from B on AC. The circle through B, C, D is drawn. Construct the tangents from A to this circle. Q.6

I am not able to solve this problem sir please help me for solving this problem give me the best and the easy way for the question of class 10th ncert math of exercise 11.2 of constructions of ncert math ...

A solid toy is in the form of a hemisphere surmounted by a right circular cone of same radius. The height of the cone is 10 cm and the radius of the base is 7 cm. Determine the volume of the toy. Also find the area of the coloured sheet required to cover the toy. [ Use π = 22/7 and √149 = 12.2

CBSE 10th Class Mathematics Past year question paper Year 2020 SET 1, Code Number  – 30/5/1 Question Number –  38 hemisphere surmounted by a right circular cone of same radius cone area and volume problem