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The hypotenuse of grassy land in the shape of a right triangle is 1 metre more than twice the shortest side. If the third side is 7 metres more than the shortest side, find the sides of the grassy land.

This question has been taken from Book:- ML aggarwal, Avichal publication, class10th, quadratic equation in one variable, chapter 5, exercise 5.5 This is an important ques The hypotenuse of grassy land in the shape of a right triangle is 1 metre ...

Mohini wishes to fit three rods together in the shape of a right triangle. If the hypotenuse is 2 cm longer than the base and 4 cm longer than the shortest side, find the lengths of the rods.

This question has been taken from Book:- ML aggarwal, Avichal publication, class10th, quadratic equation in one variable, chapter 5, exercise 5.5 This is an important ques Mohini wishes to fit three rods together in the shape of a right triangle. If the ...