By AM-GM Inequality:- Prove that:- (a + b) (b + c) (c + a) ≥ 8abc. This is a great question from ...Read more
Discy Latest Questions
please help me finding the answer of this question this is question number 3, exercise 8.2, trigonometry ncert solutions.
Prove that (sin θ) (cos θ) = tan θ/( 1 + tan 2 θ ) This is a question from class ...Read more
this is question number 4 of exercise 8.1 introduction to trigonometry class 10th. please help to solve it
What is the value of √.4 . I came by this question a week ago and thought it to be ...Read more
Please tell me what the graph of y = sin (x) ? I don’t know what the graph of sine function ...Read more