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Two companies have shares of 7% at Rs116 and 9% at Rs 145 respectively. In which of the shares would the investment be more profitable ?

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this question has been taken from i the book -ML aggarwal( avichal publication)class 10th , chapter3, shares and dividends ……’s very important question and conceptual question

we have been in question that two companies have shares of 7% at Rs116 and 9% at Rs 145 respectively.
so how will we find out In which of the shares  the investment would be more profitable ?
please explain it in easier way.

Q no. 22, exercise 3, ML Publication, share and dividends


1 Answer

  1. Let the investment in each case = Rs 116145

    Dividend in the first case = (1651457)/116 = Rs 1,015.

    Dividend in second case = (1161459)/145 = Rs 1,044.

    From the above it is clear that the second type of share that is 9% at Rs 145 are more profitable.

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