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Praveen wanted to make a temporary shelter for her car, by making a box – like structure with tarpaulin that covers all the four sides and the top of the car (with the front face as a flap which can be rolled up). Assuming that the stitching margins are very small, and therefore negligible, how much tarpaulin would be required to make the shelter of height 2.5m, with base dimensions 4m×3m? Solution: Q.8

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I don’t know how to solve this problem of Surface Areas and Volumes of exercise 13.1 of class 9th math give me the easiest and simple way for solving this tough question of question no.8  Praveen wanted to make a temporary shelter for her car, by making a box – like structure with tarpaulin that covers all the four sides and the top of the car (with the front face as a flap which can be rolled up). Assuming that the stitching margins are very small, and therefore negligible, how much tarpaulin would be required to make the shelter of height 2.5m, with base dimensions 4m×3m? Solution:


1 Answer

  1. Let l, b and h be the length, breadth and height of the shelter.


    l = 4m

    b = 3m

    h = 2.5m

    Tarpaulin will be required for the top and four wall sides of the shelter.

    Using formula, Area of tarpaulin required = 2(lh+bh)+lb

    On putting the values of l, b and h, we get

    = [2(4×2.5+3×2.5)+4×3] m2

    = [2(10+7.5)+12]m2

    = 47m2

    Therefore, 47 m2 tarpaulin will be required.

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