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How will you describe the position of a table lamp on your study table to another person? Q.1

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How i solve the ncert class 9th chapter coordinate geometry please help me to solve this question in a easiest and simplest way . Find the best solution of exercise 3.1 question number give me the best and easiest solution of this question. How will you describe the position of a table lamp on your study table to another person?


1 Answer

  1. Solution:

    For describing the position of table lamp on the study table, we take two lines, a perpendicular and a horizontal line. Considering the table as a plane(x and y axis) and taking perpendicular line as Y axis and horizontal as X axis respectively. Take one corner of table as origin where both X and Y axes intersect each other. Now, the length of table is Y axis and breadth is X axis. From The origin, join the line to the table lamp and mark a point. The distances of the point from both X and Y axes should be calculated and then should be written in terms of coordinates.

    The distance of the point from X- axis and Y- axis is x and y respectively, so the table lamp will be in (x, y) coordinate.

    Here, (x, y) = (15, 25)

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