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Find the market price of 5% Rs 100 share when a person gets a dividend of Rs 65 by investing Rs. 1430.

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an important question from the book -ML aggarwal( avichal publication)class 10th , chapter3, share and dividends .

a person gets a dividend of Rs 65 by investing Rs. 1430.
Find the market price of 5% Rs 100 share

Question  no. 4, exercise 3, ML Publication, share and dividends


1 Answer

  1. Giventhat:-  amount of dividend = Rs. 65

    And rate of dividend = 5%

    Therefore total face value =

    Amount of dividend *100/rate

    =(65 × 100)/5

    = Rs. 1300

    If face value is Rs. 1300, then market value = Rs. 140

    If face value is Rs. 100, then market value = (1430 × 100)/ 1300

    = Rs. 110

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