Deepak Bora
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Find the 1st four terms of the given A.P. a = – 1.25, d = – 0.25

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This question from NCERT book ex. 5.1 question no. 2(v). In this question you have to find the first four terms of the series by calculating the above information. Give the solution of the following question.



1 Answer

  1. Solution:

    a = – 1.25, d = – 0.25

    Let the A.P be a1, a2, a3, a4, a5 …

    a1 = a = – 1.25

    a2 = a1 + d = – 1.25-0.25 = – 1.50

    a3 = a2 + d = – 1.50-0.25 = – 1.75

    a4 = a3 + d = – 1.75-0.25 = – 2.00

    The 1st four terms of theA.P. will be – 1.25, – 1.50, – 1.75 and – 2.00

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