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Amit kumar invests Rs 36000 in buying Rs 100 shares at Rs 20 premium. The dividend is 15% per annum. Find: (i) The number of shares he buys (ii) His yearly dividend (iii) The percentage return on his investment.

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sir this is the  question from the book -ML aggarwal( avichal publication) class 10th , chapter3, shares and dividends ……..

we have that :-
Amit kumar invests Rs 36000 in buying Rs 100 shares at Rs 20 premium. The dividend is 15% per annum.
so we have to find the
(i) The number of shares he buys
(ii) His yearly dividend
(iii) The percentage return on his investment.
kindly provide the best solution for all three sub-questions with explanation. please provide the formula if you use  any.

Q no. 9, exercise 3, ML Publication, share and dividends


1 Answer

  1. Given, Investment = Rs.36,000

    Face value = Rs.100

    Premium – Rs.20,


    Market Value of one share = Rs.(100 + 20)

    = Rs.120

    No of shares = Investment /market value

    =  36000/120=300

    Yearly dividend = 15% of (100*300)

    = RS 4500

    % return =4500/36000*100 = 450/36

    =12.5% = 13%

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