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A man invests Rs. 10400 in 6% shares at Rs. 104 and Rs. 11440 in 10.4% shares at Rs. 143. How much income would he get in all ?

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a very important question from the book -ML aggarwal( avichal publication)class 10th , chapter3, shares and dividends

we have been given that A man invests Rs. 10400 in 6% shares at Rs. 104 and Rs. 11440 in 10.4% shares at Rs. 143.
so how can we get How much income  he would get in all ?
please explain

Q no. 21, exercise 3, ML Publication, share and dividends


1 Answer

  1. Given In first case;
    Total investment = Rs. 10400
    Rate of dividend = 6%
    Market value of each share = Rs. 104
    Total dividend = (10400 x 6)/ 104 = Rs 600
    In second case, investment = Rs 11440
    Rate of dividend = 10.4% Market value of each share = Rs 143
    Therefore, total dividend = (11440 x 10.4)/ 143 = Rs 832
    Total dividend from both cases = Rs. 600 + Rs. 832 = Rs. 1432

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