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A man buys 400 ten-rupee shares at a premium of Rs. 2.50 on each share. If the rate of dividend is 8%, Find, (i) his investment (ii) dividend received (iii) yield.

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an important question from the book -ML aggarwal( avichal publication)class 10th , chapter3, shares and dividends ……..
we have the information that A man buys 400 ten-rupee shares at a premium of Rs. 2.50 on each share.
If the rate of dividend is 8%, we are to find  his investment and dividend received  and yield.
the third one “yield” word is confusing . please explain that also.

thank you

Q no. 20, exercise 3, ML Publication, share and dividends


1 Answer

  1. Given number of shares = Rs 400.
    Face value of each share = Rs 10.
    Market value of each share = Rs 10+2.50 = Rs 12.50
    Rate of dividend = 8%
    Therefore, face value of 400 shares = 10∗400 = Rs 4,000.
    Total investment = no. of share*market value=12.50∗400 = Rs 5,000
    Total dividend =face value of all share*rate of dividend/100= 4,000∗(8/100) = Rs 320.
    Yield percent = total dividend*100/total investment=(320∗100)/5,000 = 32/5 = 6.4%.

    PS: yield percentage is the percentage of total dividend with respect to total investment.

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