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A man 1.8 m high stands at a distance of 3.6 m from a lamp post and casts a shadow of 5.4 m on the ground. Find the height of the lamp post.

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sir this is the important  question from the book -ML aggarwal( avichal publication) class 10th , chapter20 , heights and distances
this is important question since is has been asked in previous year exam
A man 1.8 m high stands at a distance of 3.6 m from a lamp post
and casts a shadow of 5.4 m on the ground.
Find the height of the lamp post.

question no 31 , heights and distances , ICSE board



2 Answers

  1. Consider

    AB as the lamp post

    CD is the height of man

    BD is the distance of man from the foot of the lamp

    FD is the shadow of man

    Construct CE parallel to DB

    ML Aggarwal Solutions for Class 10 Chapter 20 Image 33

    Take AB = x and CD = 1.8 m

    EB = CD = 1.8 m

    AE = x – 1.8

    Shadow FD = 5.4 m

    In right triangle ACE

    tan θ = AE/CE

    Substituting the values

    tan θ = (x – 1.8)/ 3.6 …… (1)

    In right triangle CFD

    tan θ = CD/FD

    Substituting the values

    tan θ = 1.8/5.4 = 1/3 ….. (2)

    Using both the equations

    (x – 1.8)/ 3.6 = 1/3

    So we get

    3x – 5.4 = 3.6

    3x = 3.6 + 5.4 = 9.0

    By division

    x = 9/3 = 3.0

    Hence, the height of lamp post is 3 m.

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