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19. Determine graphically the vertices of the triangle, the equations of whose sides are given below. (i) 2y – x = 8, 5y – x = 14 and y – 2x = 1

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Explain the graph and the equations,

how did we figure out the question?

class 10th, Rd sharma, pair of linear equations in two variables


1 Answer

  1. Solution:


    2y – x = 8……. (i)

    5y – x = 14……. (ii)

    y – 2x = 1……… (iii)

    For equation (i),

    ⇒ y = (x + 8)/2

    When x = -4, we have y = (-4 + 8)/2 = 2

    When x = 0, we have y = (0 + 8)/2 = 4

    Thusm we have the following table giving points on the line 2y – x = 8

    x -4 0
    y 2 4

    For equation (ii),

    We solve for y:

    ⇒ y = (x + 14)/5

    So, when x = -4

    y = ((-4) + 14)/5= 2

    And, when x = 1

    ⇒ y = (1 + 14)/5= 3

    Thusm we have the following table giving points on the line 5y – x = 14

    x -4 1
    y 2 3

    Finally, for equation (iii),

    ⇒ y = (2x + 1)

    When x = -1, we have y = (2(-1) + 1) = -1

    When x = 1, we have y = (2(1) + 1) = 3

    Thusm we have the following table giving points on the line y – 2x = 1

    x -1 1
    y 1 3

    Graph of the equations (i), (ii) and (iii) is as below:

    R D Sharma Solutions For Class 10 Maths Chapter 3 Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables ex 3.2 - 19.1

    From the above graph, we observe that the lines taken in pairs intersect at points A(-4,2), B(1,3) and C(2,5).

    Hencem the vertices of the triangle are A(-4, 2), B(1, 3) and C(2,5).

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