To solve this problem use π=22/7 Problem from RS Aggarwal book, problem number 20, page number 824, exercise 17C, chapter volume ...Read more
Discy Latest Questions
In the given problem shape of the object is frustum to find answer of this question need to use frustum ...Read more
This is the HOTS question from RS Aggarwal book, problem number 18, page number 824, exercise 17C, chapter volume and ...Read more
This question was asked in 2013 cbse board exam. Problem from RS Aggarwal book, problem number 17, page number 824, exercise ...Read more
This is one of the important question from the cbse board exam point of view because in 2014 cbse board ...Read more
Assume that the radii of the upper circular end of the frustum and the base of the surmounted conical portion ...Read more
This problem is the combination of two CONE shape. To find answer of this question we need to use volume ...Read more