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A man invests rs.6750 , partly in shares of 6% at rs.140 and partly in shares of 5% at 125 rs. if his total income is rs 280 , how much has he invested in each?

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an important question from the book -ML aggarwal( avichal publication)class 10th , chapter3, shares and dividends ……..this question once asked in exam.

It is given that A man invests rs.6750 , partly in shares of 6% at rs.140 and partly in shares of 5% at 125 rs.
moreover if his total income is rs 280 , now we have asked to find out how much he  has invested in each.
please solve this as simply as it can be.

Q no. 35, exercise 3, ML Publication, share and dividends


1 Answer

  1. Let the investment of the man in shares paying 6% at Rs 140 is Rs x and that of 5% at Rs 125 be Rs (6750 – x)

    Income on one share of Rs 140 is Rs 6

    So income of Rs x = 6/140 x x = Rs 3 x / 70

    Income on one share of Rs 125 = Rs 5

    So income on Rs 6750 – x = (6750 – x)x5 / 125 = 1/25(6750 – x)

    Now total income is Rs 280

    3 x /70 + (6750 – x) / 25 = 280

    15 x + 94,500 – 14 x / 350 = 280

    15 x + 94,500 – 14 x = 280 x 350

    x = 3500

    Now 6750 – x = 6,750 – 3500 = Rs 3,250

    Investment in buying shares at 6% is Rs 3500 and

    Investment in buying shares at 5% is Rs 3250.

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