This question is taken from real numbers chapter in which we have given a number π and we have to ...Read more
Discy Latest Questions
This question is from real numbers chapter in which we have given a number 3.1416 and we have to show ...Read more
This is the basic and conceptual question from real numbers chapter in which we have to give the definition of ...Read more
This question is taken from real numbers in which we have given a rational number 64/455 and we have to ...Read more
An important and exam oriented question from real numbers chapter in which we have given a rational number 32/147 and ...Read more
This question is taken from real numbers in which we have given a rational number 77/210 and we have to ...Read more
This question is taken from real numbers chapter in which we have given a rational number 9/35 and we have ...Read more
This is the basic and conceptual question from real numbers chapter in which we have given a rational number 129/(2²×5³×7²) ...Read more
We have been asked to show that the rational number 11/(2³×3) is a nonterminating decimal without actual division It is an ...Read more
We have given a number 19/3125 and we have to prove that the given rational number is a terminating decimal ...Read more