This question is from class 10th real numbers. What is the different way for solving this question. Please help me ...Read more
Discy Latest Questions
The important question of class 10th is irrational number. Is any another way for solving this question. Please suggest me ...Read more
Another best question of irrational number of class 10th . How can we solve this question . Please give me ...Read more
How i prove irrational number type question. Irrational topic is very important topic of class 10th. What is the easiest ...Read more
The important question of class 10th of chapter real numbers how can i solve this question. This is the important ...Read more
The question of real numbers exercise 1.2. The question no.7 is the most important question of class 10th. I want ...Read more
The question of real numbers exercise 1.2. The question no.7 is the most important question of class 10th. I want ...Read more
In class 10th maths exercise1.2 of question number 6 how can solve this question. Its very important question. I don’t ...Read more
How can i easily solve the HCF and LCM. This is the best question of class 10th maths. I want ...Read more