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Solve for x and y: 6(ax+by)=3a+2b, 6(bx-ay)=3b-2a

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This question is taken from linear equations in two variables in which we have given two equations 6(ax+by)=3a+2b, 6(bx-ay)=3b-2a         and we have to find the variables x and y from the given equations

RS Aggarwal, Class 10, chapter 3B, question no 44


1 Answer

  1. Given that 6(ax + by) = 3a + 2b

    6ax + 6by = 3a + 2b ——— (1)

    6(bx – ay) = 3b – 2a

    6bx – 6ay = 3b – 2a ————- (2)

    On solving (1) a & (2) b, we get

    6ax 2 + 6aby = 3a 2 + 2ab

    6b 2 x – 6aby = 3b 2 – 2ab


    6ax^2 + 6b 2 x = 3a^2 + 3b^2

    6x(a^2 + b^2) = 3(a^2 + b^2)

    x = 3/6 x = 1/2.

    Substitute x = 1/2 in above equations,

    we get

    6ax + 6by = 3a + 2b

    6a(1/2) + 6by = 3a + 2b

    3a + 6by = 3a + 2b

    6by = 2b

    y = 2b/6b

    y = 1/3.

    Therefore the value of x = 1/2 and y = 1/3.

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